sobota 30. apríla 2011

English review Die for Me by Amy Plum

Prinášam vám anglickú recenziu knihy, ktorá sa teší všeobecnej obľúbenosti u zahraničných recenzentov, no mňa príliš neoslovila. Nebojte sa, na dlhšiu dobu je to posledná anglická recenzia, ktorú na mojom blogu uverejňujem, pretože som si dala zákaz posielať požiadavky na knihy z Netgalley, lebo na ne vôbec nemám čas. Môžete sa začať tešiť na slovenské recenzie, ktoré pre vás chystám. 
Ak by ste si predsa len Die for me chceli kúpiť, kniha vychádza 10. mája vo vydavateľstve Harper Teen.

Die for me was the biggest disappointment of this year. I really had great expectations from this book, which weren’t fulfilled.

After the death of Katie’s parents Katie moves with her sister Georgia to Paris to live with her grandparents. There she meets the mysterious Vincent, with whom she immediately falls in love. But Vincent isn’t what he seems. Katie finds out soon, that Vincent is dead, living every day in dangerous jeopardy. Will Katie risk getting involved in relationship with someone, who she can lose as she did her parents?

I read many reviews comparing Die for me to the Twilight saga. Not that the Twiligt saga was better, but at least it came first. Die for me is full of clichés, which seem all to be stolen from the Twilight books. Only the story of Die for me is set in Paris, what is the one and only plus of this novel.
Every minute of reading I knew what was to come. I knew what was every character going to say or do. When the romantic parts were coming and when the dangerous ones. Believe me, I was bored to death.
Of course, Die for me staked on big romantic love between Kate and Vincent. But in the end this love came out as pathethic paralel to ideal love between Bella and Edward. Allthoug in Twiligt I did like this "you are the first and last love of my life" thing, I just couldn’t believe it in Die for me.

Die for me is the great example, which shows us, that even when you mix all well proven book motives, it doesn’t guarantee you an awesome novel.

4 komentáre:

  1. Znie to hrozne. Aspon ju vysosal tan Vinco na konci? Boze a v Parizi...sak to je nuda, to neni vobec romanticke mesto. Pch, mozno bolo, ked Victor Hugo pisal toho Hrbaca z Notre Dame, ale dnes? Ts...

  2. No a potom, ocakavam to prvomajove vzruso ;-)

    Inak ked tak citam tie recenzie, mam pocit, ze o nic neprichadzam, ked tie knihy necitam. Ved to je vsetko o tom istom...vsetci bud umru a potom sa zamiluju, alebo sa zamiluju a umru, ale nechcu sa odpazit a potom tu strasia a otravuju slusnych ludi...hlbokomyselne, len co je pravda.

  3. Jasné, veľa kníh máš presne takých - niekto sa zamiluje a umrie alebo umrie a zamiluje sa a všetky sú na jedno prenudné kopyto. No stále sa dajú nájsť úžasné knihy, ktoré ti vezmú dych a práve kvôli nim sa oplatí hľadať :)

  4. Tento komentár bol odstránený správcom blogu.
